I don’t know about you, but I’ve been Spring cleaning & organizing like crazy over here! If you know me, then you know that I love all things organization. It’s strangely relaxing and fun to me to find homes for things, categorizing them, and labeling them. So, I thought that while I decluttered and reorganized our home, I would take y’all along with me and share what I do. In case you’re wanting to declutter and get organized too! I’m so excited to finally start up my “Get Organized” Series. The first place that I’m tackling is under our kitchen sink. Keep reading to check out the transformation below!
Before I jump right into organizing everything, I typically like to make a list and draw up a picture of what I’m wanting my organized space to look like. For this project, I first listed out every item that was underneath my kitchen sink. Then, I split those into categories for where they could be grouped together and kept.
Here are the Categories and Labels I went with for under the Kitchen Sink:
- All Cleaning Supplies in their own storage bin (multi purpose cleaner, counter spray, bleach, etc).
- Apple Cider Vinegar & Distilled Vinegar in half gallon glass jugs and kept in a small lazy susan.
- All Sink & Dishwasher items together in their own drawers (dish pods, sponges, brushes, & affresh cleaners).
- Baking Soda for cleaning in a glass jar.
- And Dish Towels or Microfiber Cloths into individual storage bins with lids.
After listing and categorizing each item, I drew up a quick sketch of how I wanted to organize them all. I put all the Sink & Dishwasher items under the left side of the sink (our dishwasher is on this side). And I put all the Cleaning Supplies & Vinegars under the right side of the sink. My advice would be to put your dishwasher and sink items closest to your dishwasher. It’s going to make grabbing them much more convenient.
Left Side – Sink & Dishwasher Supplies Right Side – Cleaning Supplies
Obviously your underneath sink space isn’t going to look exactly like mine, so play around with different storage bins and organizers to see what fits and will work in your space! 😊
Move the arrows up or down to compare the before & after!

Storage Bins, Lazy Susan, & Drawers – All found on Amazon here: https://www.liketoknow.it/ltk/68NrQARbaxZiq5CU7adrOA
Talented Kitchen Custom Labels – Custom Labels found here: https://www.talentedkitchen.com/collections/custom-labels/products/script-style-custom-labels
Our cabinet doors already had this hook and shelf installed when we moved in, so I left them and put them to good use. On the left door, I hung my dusting mit and an extra sink brush. On the right door I put our trash bags, dish soap (this set is a Spring Cleaning essential), and sink brush.
Overall, I love the way all the acrylic organizers look! I actually use some of these exact organizers throughout other parts of our home, but that for another day’s post for my “Get Organized” series! 😜