I recently came across Touchland’s Power Mist hand sanitizer, and let me just say, I won’t ever go back to a squeeze bottle of gel germ-x again! This hand sanitizer mist is a complete game changer, especially if you’re someone like me who always has hand cleaner for on the go.
What is it?
Touchland’s Power Mist is a fun, trendy, and innovative way that redefines the boring industry of hand hygiene. Not only is this hand sanitizer practical, it’s sleek & flat design makes carrying sanitizer in your pocket or bag much easier.
Key Ingredients
- 70% ethyl alcohol – kills 99.99% of most common germs on your hands
- aloe vera – moisturizing
- radish root ferment – provides antimicrobial protection
- lemon essential oil – nourishes your skin

Why I love Touchland?
While these power mists keep your hands germ free, they also hydrate and leave them instantly soft. It feels like you just applied hand lotion. Not to mention that Touchland’s formula is long-lasting, drys quickly, and are made from high quality ingredients, compared to your typical gel sanitizers.
The Cons
The only negative things I have to say about these hand sanitizers are that they’re a bit on the pricer side compared to most ($9 for 1 fl oz), and there’s really not a lot of fragrances to choose from (only 12). Even with these two cons, I still prefer paying for these hand mists over the store bought gels because of all the benefits.
You can purchase your own Power Mists from the Touchland website directly or at any Ulta store near you!
Use my link to receive 10% off your purchase!
As always, thanks for reading! Have a great rest of your day.